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Earth Reserve Assurance

ERA White Paper
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ERA Flow Chart
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Agent Based Model
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An Invitation

We invite your financial and intellectual collaboration to launch Earth Reserve Assurance (ERA), a 100% free/libre/open framework for the determination of monetary worth and quantity in a multi-currency world with no central reference unit of account.

A Global Market with 3 Types of Entities:


Central banks and DAOs (distributed autonomous organizations);


Companies that undertake tangible buy-transform-sell and professional service projects in competitive markets (construction, manufacturing, transport, commodities, etc.);


High-performance buy-hold-sell competitors involved in the pure sport of making money. Whoever makes the most money in a given period, wins that period.

A Decentralized Distributed Warehouse:


This enormous warehouse is under uninterrupted streaming audit supervision. Multiple independent satellite systems with remote sensing technology track changes through time to a set of standardized, verifiable quantitative and qualitative indicators of ecosystem integrity and resource availability. All fully transparent data with a 50-year time series.

A Tradable Financial Instrument:


When a PROJECT INVESTOR adds measurable ecosystem integrity or resource availability of the EARTH RESERVE, a CURRENCY ISSUER provides them an ERA Deposit Receipt in the form of a non-fungible token (NFT). It can be redeemed for that currency, or sold for that currency on the open market to FINANCIAL ATHLETES.


11:00 EST

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All Text Graphics CC-by International 4.0

All Client Applications: Apache 2.0

All Network Applications: Affero GPL 3.0